Matthew H. Pinnell, an Angeleno artist from California, channels his lifelong passion for creation into work that mirrors the fluidity and textures of nature. From a young age, he was entranced by the possibilities of any material he could get his hands on, his boundless curiosity guiding every exploration. His upbringing, marked by a blend of cultural influences from his parents and the warmth of a large family, fostered a unique perspective on the world. The tapestry of his experiences, along with the trials he's faced, kindled a flame within him to forever explore the edges of his craft.
Pinnell's art is a reflection of his journey, a testimony to his deep obsession with paint and his relentless pursuit of innovation. His signature style, marked by intricate symetery and dynamic, ever-changing movement, has captivated the hearts of many patricuarly through his viral Tiktok videos, where he shares the evolution of his pieces with an audience of over 100 million viewers. Pinnell doesn't just create art; he transforms it continuously, expanding and redefining the limits of his medium. His work is more than just a visual experience; it is a narrative of resilience, discovery, and the endless pursuit of what lies beyond the known.
"Let your passion guide your brush not the worlds expectations"- Matthew Pinnell